I was born in a little town called Macedonia,
Ohio. I grew up with three older sisters -2, 4, 6 years older.
My parents were very disciplined in their procreating.
My parents and sisters are all conservative.
I often wonder if I was adopted. Although I have aged I still have the
heart of a hippy. I remember in junior high school having white pants.
On one leg I wrote "LOVE" on the other leg "PEACE".
They were my favorite pants.
I lived the first 10 years of my life in
Macedonia. Our house was right next to a forest so I have fond memories
of growing up with Nature.
When I was 10 we moved to the city of Akron,
Ohio. My father made a shrewd real estate move. It was 1968 and many big
cities had been experiencing race riots. Because of the riots many white
people were moving out of the city of Akron - it was called white flight.
So as many white people move out of Akron, we moved in. After we had lived
in the house a few years the rich people who had run away came back and
said "We would like our house back now." My
parents did not sell.
In high school I was lucky enough to have
a great choir teacher - Susie Benningfield. She created a wonderful program
which got me into acting, singing and dancing.
I then went on to Connecticut College but
dropped out after two years to go to NYC to study just acting, singing
and dance. At Connecticut College I asked my dance teacher out for coffee
(because I thought she was cute) during the conversation she asked if
I was serious about becoming a dancer and I said yes. Her suggestion was
for me to drop out of regular college and go study in NYC. It was the
best advise I could have gotten.
I auditioned and was accepted to The American
Academy of Dramatic Arts. I took dance classes in NYC with dancers performing
on Broadway. My jazz dance teacher - Chuck Kelly - was the premier acrobatic/dance
teacher in NYC. I had always wanted to take acrobatics so I did and Chuck
ended up being responsible for my professional performing career. He first
got me a job performing at the NY Metropolitan Opera (as an acrobat).
He then got me my Equity Card in a summer stock production of Seven
Brides for Seven Brothers with Debbie Boone and finally he got
me my big break in getting a national tour of Camelot
with Richard Harris. This was a big break because the show ran for six
years. I started out as the court jester (doing acrobatics) and worked
my way up to playing Mordred - the bastard son.
When I sell my game at fairs some people
ask me if I have a degree in psychology or something. I tell them I studied
acting. The basis of the game is putting on someone else's shoes and that
is what acting is to me.
After the Camelot tour
ended I went back to NYC but had trouble getting work. I was no longer
an acrobat and competition for actors and singers is much tougher. I ended
up driving a cab in NYC for 2 years. A thrilling experience up until I
got mugged. Now I started thinking about leaving NYC.
I had visited friends in Eugene,OR a few
times and I liked the town. So I moved to Eugene for one year and have
been here for twenty years.
I did odd jobs when I first arrived: taught
acting, worked construction, worked on a fishing boat, did some singing,
acting and dancing and finally landed regular work with adults with disabilities.
It was truly a great job for me.
I ended my career working with adults with
disabilities when I became a manager of a group home. I was hoping to
manage the group home and sell my board game at the same time but after
a year both were suffering so I took the leap and have been making my
living selling The Game of REAL LIFE
for seven years.
Looking back on my history, my life seems
to take a turn every ten years. I have begun to call them lifetimes.
First, ten years as a child by the forest.
The second ten in the City of Akron.
The third ten in NYC acting, singing and
The forth in Eugene working with adults
with disabilities.
The fifth has been running a small business
The Game of REAL LIFE.
The sixth...?
I have started taking stand-up comedy
classes -
